Cost of not taking Action

Today, I want you to realize the actual “cost” of not taking any action. Stay tuned till the end after this post and you won’t procrastinate anymore.

Most of the people don’t know about how much cost they are paying for not doing something.

The moment you become aware that if I don’t do X then Y will happen which will result in Z, your mind becomes alert & starts taking action.

Why are you sitting at home in the current situation? Because you know if you go out, you may get infected by Corona & it will lead your life to a different, difficult & painful destination

Why can’t you apply the same logic in other areas of your life?

For example:

You are earning 80,000/- a month & you want to earn 2,00,000/- a month. Unless & until you do not raise your income by 1.2L a month you are not going to reach your target.

What do you need to do to raise your income? Learn some new skills or sharpen your existing skill, but if you are not doing so, it means you are losing 1.2L every month because of your laziness of not taking action at the appropriate time.

My goal here is not to demoralize you, but to empower you with the motivation, knowledge, and skill of improving your quality of life and maintaining a positive attitude towards your problems, stable emotions and an overall strong and flexible spine to help you be capable of working for your life’s purpose and ambitions.

How about joining my Action Takers Season 2 starting from 27 July?

If you are interested, type ‘yes’ to get an osm offer from me.

Yogesh Daudkhane

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