Mind Rules

Mind Rules

I know one of the major reasons why we all exist on this planet because we are always striving for a better tomorrow. If you are not growing better as compare to yesterday, you are dying inside. Many people do so many things to achieve success in their life, they acquire degrees from the best Universities, get jobs in top corporations, start their business, try to improve their living by acquiring various toys like; big cars, better houses, foreign tours, expensive gadgets, etc.

After achieving all this also many people feel empty inside & feel that they are successful outside but losers from inside. Many people acquire knowledge on various subjects & think that it is power, I am afraid, they might be wrong, knowledge is not power but your potential to implement the knowledge is real power. Many don’t know the rules of our mind which govern all these things.

Let’s understand our “Mind Rules”

Rule No. 1 – For our mind imagination is more powerful than knowledge.

Many great personalities in history & even today are emphasizing on the power of imagination. Those who understand & implement are winners. Those who only know about it & do not take action remains ‘knowledgeable’.

Rule No. 2 – Once your subconscious believes something it remains until you do not replace it with what you want.

Many people are prisoners of their past & believe that their past is equal to their future. They believe that whatever happened in their past will be their reality in the future. They are unaware that they can change their future by just changing their belief.

There are many more rules of our minds. I will share some other time.

Yogesh “Mind Rules” Daudkhane

P. S. If you want my help in changing your ‘Mind rules’. Comment ‘rules’ in the box.

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