Recently I launched 5 days workshop keeping an objective in mind to stop or remove procrastination without much effort using the “connecting 4 dots” method.

The workshop is based on the study of human psychology & behavior. It was not a lecture series but daily practical & application of theory in real life.

I call it the “connecting 4 dots” method.

It was pretty successful, and all the participants enjoyed the tasks & did it well.

One of the participants said that his productivity got 2X after the 5 days’ workshop, another participant shared that he could complete all his pending tasks of the past 3 months in record time. Someone started writing a book which was pending for 15 years.

It was just amazing to see how people get results when they apply the right technology & proven formula. I also know that if someone can do it, you can also do it. Imagine the amount of time you have wasted by not taking the action, the kind of loss you have suffered over some time & the things you always could do but never did.

See how your life can change if only you know how to connect your dots & get the results.

If you are ready to be an Action Taker & want to get results by connecting the dots, pls type ‘dots’ in the comment.

Yogesh “connect 4 dots” Daudkhane

P. S. If you want to be a part of my next batch starting from next week, do contact.

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